Tuesday 24 October 2017

What have the migrants ever done for us?

More on the lasting culinary damage caused by the scourge of unchecked migration™:
The doner kebab is believed to have been invented by Kadir Nurman, a Turkish immigrant living in Germany, in 1972. Mr Nurman, who died in 2013, said he got the idea after noticing that German workers had little time to sit down for lunch.

Several other Turkish immigrants in Germany have disputed this, claiming they were selling versions of the doner earlier than Mr Nurman.

However, the national original of the dish is not in doubt. “The doner is German,” Tarkan Tasumruk, chairman of the Association of Turkish Doner Producers in Europe, told the berlin.de website...

...while fish and chips has become known as a traditional British dish, many people claim it was actually introduced to the UK by Jewish immigrants from other European countries.

Fried fish was brought to Britain by Jewish refugees from Portugal and Spain, and the first combined fish and chip shop is said to have been opened by Joseph Malin, a Jewish immigrant in the East End, in the 1860s.
And don't even get me started on chicken tikka masala.*

Clearly it's not enough to just create a hostile environment for people coming here from abroad. If we really want to make everybody hate us, and truly embrace a future of miserable, self-inflicted isolation, we should also send back  all the foreign muck they forced us to eat and return to an honest British diet of boiled turnips.

Nobody ever said it would be easy,** but I'm sure that whatever the hell it was the UK thought it was voting for will be worth the pain.

*Does it really belong here, or is it just another foreign interloper which should be sent back home as soon as the UK has taken back control of its glorious borders?

**Terms and conditions apply. Contents may differ from those illustrated. We reserve the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate all or any part of the plan at any time without notice. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage.