Wednesday 8 November 2017

Feckless right-wing whingers having problems - it must be somebody else's fault

"Our institutions are collapsing and the hard Left is celebrating"* wails Philip Johnston in the Telegraph.
"The pillars of British society seem to be in a perpetual state of crisis, and, with Jeremy Corbyn waiting to pounce, things could get much worse 

"It’s the humbug I find hard to stomach, the unmistakable stench of hypocrisy whenever a financial “scandal” breaks. The air has been full of it since the production of the so-called Paradise Papers revealed to the world what it already knew: rich people avail themselves of legitimate tax vehicles offshore to limit their liabilities." 
Nurse, come quickly, I think he's having a funny turn!

I'm sorry to mock the afflicted. I'd sympathise, I really would, if only the collapse wasn't entirely the fault of the Right who, in case you missed it, have been running things in the UK since 2010.

The "hard Left" didn't force those offshoring super-rich human and corporate persons to behave as if taxes were an optional extra, to be paid only by people too poor and unimportant to afford a swanky accountant. The hard Left didn't agitate for the totally unnecessary Brexit referendum, with all the chaos that followed. The hard Left didn't go full stream ahead with the austerity and migrant-baiting that got people so riled up that they voted for Brexit as a massive nihilistic "screw you." The hard Left aren't responsible for the gaffe-prone buffoon in the Foreign Office who's busy alienating the rest of the world and screwing up everything he touches, at the very moment when the punch drunk UK needs all the friends it can get.

Your pompous right-wing establishment has fallen flat on its face in full view of its political enemies. I don't think bellowing at your opponents to stop laughing and show some respect is going to work.

There's a saying you might not have come across, Phil - "If you break it, you own it." It means that you take responsibility for your own actions. Those of us not privileged enough to be insulated from the consequences of our actions have to live by it every day, so stop appealing for the sympathy vote.

*This is one of the Telegraph's "premium" articles, so you need to pay, or at least sign up to their free trial, to read the whole thing. I really wouldn't bother.