North Korea and Ukip. Are they by any chance related? I mean:
- The Korean Central News Agency, along with Ukip parliamentary candidates and councillors, can be relied on to blurt out remarks so crassly offensive that they'd make even Prince Phillip blush.
- North Korea and Ukip are both principally known for their obsessive fear and hatred of, and paranoid fantasies about, foreigners.
- The pro-working class credentials of the Workers' Party of Korea are as phony as those of some other parties I could mention - they're more about the the adoration of a single cult leader whose buffoonish face pops up everywhere (now which particular UK party does that remind you of?).
- Assuming that the North Koreans, or their fellow travellers, were responsible for the Sony hack, they would seem to have some, presumably young, tech-savvy people on side. Ukip's cyber-army appears to be limited to a small protection squad, dedicated to stopping the Puce Army's cadres getting onto Twitter and sharing some barking mad brain-fart with the outside world, thus ensuring that there will always be more spoof Ukip Twitter accounts than real ones.
- You can't blame the North Koreans for supporting a paranoid buffoon, given that their access to hard facts is limited by strict censorship and the penalties for dissent are a labour camp, if you're lucky, or a bullet in the back of the head, if not. It's rather harder to excuse support for the Farage Falange (© Philip Challinor) without such mitigating factors as enforced ignorance and extreme coercion.
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