My mind still on the compulsive nature of wallpaper-peeling, I looked at the illustration on the box with fresh eyes. In my innocence, I'd previously imagined that that fixed grin on the woman's face was just the feigned joy of somebody being paid to be photographed looking delighted with the product in the box. But now I see it all - she's another addict. If the resolution in the photograph was higher and she was looking into the camera (impossible, of course - where else would any dedicated wallpaper stripper want to look but at the wall?), you'd see the signs. The far-away look in the eyes, pupils dilated like gun barrels, knuckles white from gripping the scraper; the classic symptoms of the peeling trance.
Did you know, by the way, that there's a Wallpaper History Society in London? Did you care? I thought not. I think I'll go and have a bit of a lie down now....
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