Baking soda. I love this stuff like Donald Trump loves hydroxycholorquine.
I've used it to remove tea and coffee stains from cups and mugs for as long as I can remember, a tip I picked up from my mum. But by trial & error (mostly trial - it usually works & hasn't harmed anything yet), I've found out that it can replace a huge range of branded, specialist cleaning products around the home.
The biggie is baked or burned on food residue on pans and hobs. This stuff knocks spots off any branded specialist product I've ever used, whether mixed to a gritty paste to scrub hobs, or added to hot water to soak a pan or baking tray before scrubbing.
You can also ditch those creams they sell for cleaning stainless steel sinks and taps - baking soda will shine them up better at a fraction of the price.
Washing machine drawer getting scummy and mouldy? Baking soda is your friend.
Fridge getting a bit smelly? Baking soda again.
Pongy food waste bin? Ditto.
Limscale and other crud you'd rather not think about round the toilet rim? Marigolds, a plastic pan scrubber and a paste of good old baking soda.
Grease and oil stains? Sodium bicarbonate to the rescue!
It's also, apparently, good for getting uranium oxide or depleted uranium dust out of your workwear, although I haven't had occasion to try this one yet.
And the list goes on....
When baking soda teams up with vinegar, it gets even better.
Health warning: baking soda is a great cleaning product, but please don't inject it as a virus cure.
I've used it to remove tea and coffee stains from cups and mugs for as long as I can remember, a tip I picked up from my mum. But by trial & error (mostly trial - it usually works & hasn't harmed anything yet), I've found out that it can replace a huge range of branded, specialist cleaning products around the home.
The biggie is baked or burned on food residue on pans and hobs. This stuff knocks spots off any branded specialist product I've ever used, whether mixed to a gritty paste to scrub hobs, or added to hot water to soak a pan or baking tray before scrubbing.
You can also ditch those creams they sell for cleaning stainless steel sinks and taps - baking soda will shine them up better at a fraction of the price.
Washing machine drawer getting scummy and mouldy? Baking soda is your friend.
Fridge getting a bit smelly? Baking soda again.
Pongy food waste bin? Ditto.
Limscale and other crud you'd rather not think about round the toilet rim? Marigolds, a plastic pan scrubber and a paste of good old baking soda.
Grease and oil stains? Sodium bicarbonate to the rescue!
It's also, apparently, good for getting uranium oxide or depleted uranium dust out of your workwear, although I haven't had occasion to try this one yet.
And the list goes on....
When baking soda teams up with vinegar, it gets even better.
Health warning: baking soda is a great cleaning product, but please don't inject it as a virus cure.
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