Saturday 26 February 2011

Astounding science fiction

A structure and a fallible human purpose start to become evident by the next chapters of 'The Earth' and 'The Suicide of the Astronaut', in which he says, "You can leave everything, except the earth ... Land has been the context of the conflict ... Whither then are you going?" The astronaut, modern technological man, goes out into the solar system looking for meaning, but ... " ... man returned to the earth, dizzy, nauseous, and fearing doom." The astronaut then committed suicide "after he gave up on being able to find work on the ground that could sustain him."

From David Seals' appreciative review of Escacpe to Hell by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

I didn’t previously know that Colonel Gaddafi wrote really bad science fiction. Somehow, this doesn’t surprise me: the personality cult, the secrecy, the incoherent ideology, the constant demands for unquestioning loyalty, the reflexive attacks on outsiders and apostates – basically, he’s L. Ron Hubbard with heavy weapons and a lot more oil. Let’s just hope that, unlike L. Ron, the evil that he does dies with him.