Tuesday 27 May 2008

I don't normally do cute, but...

My general attitude to "cute" photographs of children and kittens was summed up by an old post in the Chase me Ladies, I'm the Cavalry blog, entitled "I was unamused by the kitten photos". Nevertheless, here's a picture of my son with a flowerpot on his head.

My only excuses are lack of time (it's straight up to bed for me after this short post at the end of a busy day) and the fact that this really was a completely un-posed shot - the little monkey just climbed up on the table and put the pot on his head spontaneously - the camera only happened to be around because there was a group of his little contemporaries visiting at the time.

The odd thing is that he normally hates having things on his head - putting a sun hat on him is a nightmare, as he rips it off at the first opportunity, then slowly and deliberately places it on the ground as if that's where, as any fool should know, it belongs. I don't know whether the mucky face adds to or detracts from the cuteness (the dark substance is either soil or chocolate, substances which he consumes with equal relish).

In future I will try to keep any outbreaks of excessive cuteness to a minimum.